Guide to Symbols

* Fields indicated with a * before the question are mandatory and must be completed otherwise a validation error will appear.
Validation error Validation error - hover your mouse cursor over this symbol to see information about the error.
Hint This indicates a hint or tip relating to the field - hover your cursor over this symbol to see the hint.
Add Entry Click on this symbol to add another entry of the same type. For example, you will see this next to telephone, e-mail and website fields and you can click on this to add subsequent telephone numbers, e-mail address or website details as relevant.
Edit If the option to edit a comment, note, address, etc. is available, you will be able to click on this symbol to make your changes.
Delete If the option to delete a comment, note, address, etc. is available, you will be able to click on this symbol to delete the entry.
Save To save any changes or additions you have made, you can click on this symbol. In most cases, all information is also saved wherever you click on another button (for example 'next'). For more details, see saving your work below.
Undo If you have edited an entry, you will sometimes be able to revert to the original text by clicking this icon.
Warning Alert These symbols appear when there is something that we need to draw your attention to. Hover over the symbol to see what action is required.